Dickinson Group of Companies is proud to announce its achievement in acquiring the ISO 45001:2018 certification in health and safety.
This ensures our companies' safety standards are of global standardization and allows compliance with current legislation worldwide. Initially being certified with the BS OHSAS 18001:2007 in 2014, DGC realized the importance of shifting to ISO 45001, in achieving the company’s goals of delivering quality services to our clients as well as developing and maintaining a mindset of health and safety amongst all of our employees. This meant a shift from risk management being specific to occupational health and safety, to risk management covering all aspects of the business. Doing so required leadership as well as initiatives by all individuals within the company. Given the high-risk nature of our services and working within the industrial sector, it is important for all our employees to be aware of the risks involved with their day-to-day activities and the control measures to adequately mitigate the potential for harm.
To reduce these risks and make safety a genuine value shared by all its employees, DGC has committed to making safety a basis of its corporate culture.
In achieving this, our top management takes ownership and demonstrates commitment through leadership, in setting an example when it comes to safety measures. We enable and encourage our employees to adopt a proactive culture in anticipating possible hazards and implementing adequate and suitable precautionary measures to prevent any loss-time injuries. In securing the certificate, the company had to undergo numerous changes within its operational procedures in transitioning to the more rigorous standards of the ISO 45001. Ultimately this ensures our clients and partners have the confidence and assurance in our employees, to complete services efficiently and effectively yet still within a safe and controlled environment. Furthermore, the 'safety culture' that we promote enables everyone to become involved and give their opinion on topics relating to health and safety.
Promoting the commitment of everyone creates a collective commitment and helps to develop a genuine safety culture throughout our organization.

Demonstrate strong leadership and direction in all conceivable SHEQ issues.
Ensure a consistent approach to the management of SHEQ in all locations.
Consult and communicate with all employees and stakeholders.
Educate the workforce in risk management, safety, health and environmental principles.
Respect the right of all staff to work in an environment where they know that risks are adequately controlled.
Promote the health and wellbeing of all our staff.
Measure SHEQ performance.

Dickinson Group of Companies (DGC) was founded in 1910. For comprehensive information about our company's History, Vision & Values, Strategy, Global Alliances, Africa Footprint, Commitment to Safety, Anti-Corruption Policy, References, and Industrial Solutions, please visit our website.
