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The majority of problems associated with rotary kilns can be attributed to misalignment. As such, comprehensive hot kiln alignment ensures that rotary kilns are able to achieve maximum efficiency throughout their service lives and help users avoid unforeseen breakdowns.


The first stage of the hot kiln alignment process involves precise measuring and analysis of the actual rotary kiln deformations at the time of investigation. This is and automated process and done with the aid of state of the art measuring equipment including electronic theodolites and complex computer programs.


The analysis not only presents results but also provides data and guidelines for aligning and supervising machine repairs.

  • Actual rotary kiln alignment status

  • Condition of the tyres and trunnion rollers including tyre chairs and tyre stops

  • Tyre and trunnion roller running face profiles

  • Measurements of roller parameters

  • Trunnion roller inclinations

  • Kiln adjustment program and schedule

  • Kiln thrust and mechanical balance

  • Mechanical balance of the hydraulic system pressure

  • Drive-mesh inspection

  • Tyre and girth gear wobbling

  • Girth-gear radial run-out

  • Accurate measurement of kiln-shell profile Kiln-shell 3D model

  • Mechanical and temperature crank formation

  • Tyre migration and shell-ovality tests

  • Analysis of loads, pressures and stresses

  • Stiffness matrix

  • Advanced kiln modelling

  • Comprehensive test of kiln mechanical parameters


All of the above outcomes are supplied along with alignment adjustment recommendations in a comprehensive report together with a series of drawings. It is worth noting that the alignment execution, like the measurement and analysis processes are done while the rotary vessel is functioning; there is no need to interrupt production processes.


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