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Furnace demolition services are employed to remove refractories in the furnaces after their service life has been achieved.

Conventional labour-intensive methods of demolition involve people manually performing the demolition works. Generally, this exposes the people to highly unpredictable conditions due to the numerous risks linked to the state of the refractory lining throughout the demolition process.

Heavy industrial and construction demolition is used to tear down buildings and other civil structures in a planned manner. For safety reasons, the demolition has to be done without directly exposing human beings to the risks in the environment.

At Dickinson Group the safety of our employees and contractors is an integral part of our business, with the goal of Zero Harm. We seek to create a mind-set where our employees believe it is possible to work injury free, regardless of what role they perform or in which business or division they work. It is our policy to develop and maintain a “model” occupational health, safety and environmental program.

As such the Dickinson Group’s demolition services division employs modern, advanced and purpose-designed mechanical remote controlled demolition equipment for demolition tasks. Mechanised demolition techniques reduce the direct physical interface between personnel and demolition actions, thereby dramatically improving the safety profile of projects in comparison. Furthermore, the up-to-date technology and methodologies used substantially reduce the man hours required to perform demolition tasks.


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